Filming in Hamilton
Professional film studios, crew, support, and film office, and breathtaking exterior locations await you for your next television or film production!
"Their studio is beautiful. Plus we rented all our location equipment and purchased all our expendables at HFS. I would highly recommend HFS to anyone shooting in Hamilton."
~ Debby Walker
Google Review

Hamilton is the Second Busiest Film Location in Ontario — 45 minutes from Toronto and Buffalo
Once production companies discover the many benefits of filming in Hamilton, they keep coming back! It's not just the extra tax credits you get for filming here!
“I love Hamilton, I love it. It has some of the greatest stores, book stores, restaurants. It’s really a transforming city... But also what I love is the energy and I think the city is incredibly generous with filmmakers. It really is and it makes a huge difference. If I have it my way, I’ll have a studio there soon when I recuperate. I love the city.”
~ Guillermo del Toro, Toronto International Film Festival (2017)
A City of Waterfalls — and more!
See for yourself what Oscar-winner Guillermo del Toro is talking about! You'll love filming in Hamilton's over 550 film-friendly locations, all within a very small drivable area. Two hundred distinct neighborhoods means it's a city of contrasts standing shoulder-to-shoulder: gritty industrial, historic mansions, warehouses and foundries from the 1800's, modern state-of-the-art buildings, alleyways, waterfront ports and piers, sandy beaches, thousands of acres of parkland, waterfalls, bridges, marinas, shipping docks, railway shunting yards, a heritage village, and a warplane heritage museum, all surrounded by thousands of acres of farmland, conservation areas, and landscapes.

Support Companies in Hamilton
Check out these wonderful suppliers actively supporting the Hamilton Film Community:

Film Studios in Hamilton
We love our fellow studios in Hamilton! We all offer a lil something special to our creative customers:

Film Industry Groups in Hamilton
If you are a local Hamilton creative, or are considering relocating here like many other professional film workers, please reach out to these industry groups:

Government Organizations
Filming in Hamilton is actively supported at all levels of government, including:
Frequently Asked Questions about Filming in Hamilton
What additional Tax Credits are available for filming in Hamilton?
Ontario's already extensive tax credits are even better in Hamilton! When filming outside the Greater Toronto Area, production companies are entitled to additional tax credits. Find all of the details and how to apply here:
Where can I get a film permit?
Contact the Hamilton Film Office — here's a helpful guide to obtaining a film permit. Their staff are wonderful film supporters! They are quick and responsive, and want nothing better than for your production to succeed so you'll return year after year!
How long does it take to get to Hamilton?
Hamilton is located on the west end of Lake Ontario, about 45 minutes from both Toronto and Buffalo.
Access is via several highways, including several kilometers of HOV lanes for efficient traveling.
How easy is it to get around Hamilton?
Hamilton is easily accessed via several large highways around the city, allowing for super-efficient in-and-out to the various Hamilton neighborhoods.
Within the city, traffic is extremely light with minimal construction delays compared to the larger film cities.
Production companies rave about the ability to go completely across the town in 30 minutes or less, making for fast and easy shopping trips to Hamilton Film Studios' retail store for additional expendables or rental equipment (trips that could take several hours in other cities).
Are there locations where I can park my unit?
Yes, including right beside Hamilton Film Studios! Several vacant commercial and industrial lots are available to rent around the city. Hamilton supports the largest of film crews.
Does Hamilton have experienced film crews?
Hamilton has over 9,000 unionized and non-unionized film professionals, including actors, directors, technicians, composers, writers, art departments, hair/makeup and costume designers, and others.
Hamilton film professionals have produced amazing work on the largest of productions by Disney, Netflix, Amazon, and all other top-tier productions.
How can I fly to Hamilton?
In addition to being a great filming location itself, several direct flights per day fly to Hamilton International Airport from locations across Canada and the United States, including New York and Los Angeles.
Private aircraft are welcomed by a few Fixed Base Operators (FBOs) who will hangar and pamper your aircraft while you produce your show.
Can I get other support in Hamilton?
In addition to Hamilton Film Studios' offerings (film studio rental, production equipment rental, and expendables & gear retail), other companies offer film production support, including Picture Perfect Package, a local supplier of high quality grip & lighting gear (call Matt Watts and he'll hook you up with a complete custom package!) There are over 900 other support companies are located here, such as prop shops, vehicle rentals, installation construction, drone operators, and more.
Is Hamilton "film-friendly"?
Absolutely! Hamiltonians have not developed the "film fatigue" such as productions experience in other large filming locations. We understand that television and film productions in Hamilton account for millions of dollars in direct spending within the city, improving the lives and businesses of all.