Welcome to H F S!

Hamilton's one-stop-shop for gear rentals and expendables since 2018.

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Hard Hat
3.50 3.5 CAD
HEPA Filter - Medical Grade Air Purifier Kit
250.00 250.0 CAD
Megaphone / Bullhorn Kit - 50W
18.00 18.0 CAD
Fire Extinguisher ABC - 20Lbs
Please return full, and with inspection tag and seal intact to avoid $85 refill/recertification fee.
12.00 12.0 CAD
Hand Wash Station / Portable Sink - Foot Pump
150.00 150.0 CAD
Fire Extinguisher CO2 - 5Lbs
Please return full, and with inspection tag and seal intact to avoid $100 refill/recertification fee.
25.00 25.0 CAD
Sanitizer / Disinfectant Fogger
Use with BOD SAN 2.5 Sanitizer / Disinfectant Fluid
60.00 60.0 CAD
Hand Sanitizer Station
16.00 16.0 CAD
Wet Floor Sign
1.00 1.0 CAD
Umbrella - Large/Golf SPF50+
4.00 4.0 CAD
Safety Vest
3.50 3.5 CAD
Fire Extinguisher ABC - 10Lbs
Please return full, and with inspection tag and seal intact to avoid $75 refill/recertification fee.
8.00 8.0 CAD
Deluxe First Aid Kit - Up to 199 People
$40 Usage Fee + Restocking
16.00 16.0 CAD