Welcome to H F S!

Hamilton's one-stop-shop for gear rentals and expendables since 2018.

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Filmsticks T-Marker 7-Pack (Actor / Camera)
52.00 52.0 CAD
Filmsticks Refill Ink for Dry Erase Marker - 4-Pack - Black
6.25 6.25 CAD
Filmsticks Refillable Dry Erase Marker - Black
7.00 7.0 CAD
Filmsticks Slate / Clapperboard - Nano
77.25 77.25 CAD
Filmsticks Slate / Clapperboard - Tiny
126.50 126.5 CAD
Filmsticks Slate / Clapperboard - Small
154.50 154.5 CAD
Filmsticks Slate / Clapperboard - Medium
182.50 182.5 CAD
Script Table
4.00 4.0 CAD
HFS Hat - Toque - Classic
20.00 20.0 CAD
Coffee Maker / Coffee Urn - 60 cup - Kit
Use percolator coffee, or coffee labeled "For All Coffeemakers"
10.00 10.0 CAD
Coffee Maker / Coffee Urn - 30 cup - Kit
Use percolator coffee, or coffee labeled "For All Coffeemakers"
5.00 5.0 CAD
HEPA Filter - Medical Grade Air Purifier Kit
250.00 250.0 CAD
CineBags CB26 Gear Bunker
Black w. Charcoal & Orange
299.00 299.0 CAD
Standing Mirror
10.00 10.0 CAD
Rosco Paint - DigiComp HD - Digital Green - 1gal
*Special order item. No returns*
290.50 290.5 CAD
Megaphone / Bullhorn Kit - 50W
18.00 18.0 CAD
Atmosphere Aerosol - Clear - 8oz
16.00 16.0 CAD
Fire Extinguisher ABC - 20Lbs
Please return full, and with inspection tag and seal intact to avoid $85 refill/recertification fee.
12.00 12.0 CAD
Tarpaulin - 10ft x 12ft - Blue
9.00 9.0 CAD
Tarpaulin - 12ft x 12ft - Blue
9.00 9.0 CAD